Practice Practice

Mar 24, 2020 | DRŌM Practice

Change takes practice!

“In the rust to return to normal, use this time to consider which parts of normal are worth rushing back to.”  Dave Hollis

I love this line.  Think about it – really think about it!

Maybe we could take this opportunity and gift of time to look at our lives – what is working and what isn’t.  Is there something you’d like to change, do better?  Is it exercising more, being more mindful or learning to meditate?  Whatever it is, be gentle on yourself.  Commit to something and let’s make it a new habit, a new norm for you!

What do I mean by that…….you might be someone who gets an idea in their head and immediately makes that change, and then, a week later, you are doing it the old way again.

So…..make these changes slowly, with intention.  Pick a couple of things you wish to do differently, for example, meditating and eating better.  Schedule them into your day, write them down and commit.

Now, you just need to practice, practice, practice.