Gift Yourself

Aug 28, 2020 | Creative Fun, Mindfulness

YOU are a gift. There is not a single other person or entity like you that exists. So guess what? It’s time to celebrate that. It’s time to gift yourself right back!

Think about it – how often do you give to yourself? You are likely always giving to others. To your family, your home, your job, your community… the list goes on. But in order to give to others – to really give – you need to be fully whole, healthy and vibrant. You need to care for yourself first, so that you can be your best you and fully show up in the world for yourself, for others, for your career – for your life.

So let’s deem September Self Care Month. And we’ll do it together!

Let’s focus on making time and room for ourselves for the next four weeks and see what it feels like. I’ll bet that come month’s end, you will feel more grounded, energetic, healthy … more “whole”. Ultimately you’ll be able to give more of yourself more fully and you’ll feel and be better. How great is that?

I always think of September as a time of shifting – from summer to fall, from vacation to “back to school,” so it’s the perfect time to make this shift to self care!

There are many forms self care can take. In order to make it approachable, I’ve broken it down here to three bite size pieces to consider. No need for things to be daunting or hard, let’s take this easy and make it fun!

Here we go …

The Gift of ‘You Time’!

There is enormous value in stopping and taking time to connect with yourself. Even if it’s just ten or twenty minutes. Yet most of us don’t take this time. We get so caught up in our days, our schedules, what’s needed from us, we don’t find or make even ten minutes for ourselves.

For the month of September, at least three times a week (better yet, every day!), I challenge you to set aside a few minutes to just “be” and do what feels right. What you decide to do in this time is completely up to you. The idea is to clear the cobwebs, really be in the moment, find your “inner beat.” There is a great vitality that comes from serenity and self-connection. For you, this could mean simple meditation, taking a walk, sitting in the sun, gardening, listening to music. If you are up for it, try something new!

I have found that journaling helps to clear my mind and focus my thoughts – if I journal from a place of gratitude and intention. Try setting an intention for each day and write it down, then at the end of the day jot down two or three things you are grateful for or that made you happy that day. Journaling can be as simple as that. And, you may find that you’ll learn a little bit about yourself – things may rise to the surface that you hadn’t thought of before or that you want to make more intentional going forward.

The Gift of Connection

As humans, connecting to other humans and being part of a larger community is a vital piece of feeling whole. It’s what gives us energy, feedback, even meaning. And if we don’t have this in our lives, we can start to feel disconnected, stagnant, tired, we can even start to lose purpose.

In our current environment, connecting to other people is challenging and severely lacking. But we can get creative! One idea is to find something fun online that you can do at home, while still connecting. There are many shapes and forms when it comes to online communities. Look for something that feels right, and non-threatening, and positive. The DROM community could be a great option for you to consider! Please feel free to reach out to me to find out more, or for additional ideas on how you can find this connection!

The Gift of Mindful Movement

The human body was built to move, not to sit all day at a computer, or in the car. Now, you may be thinking, here it comes, Val is going to tell me I need to workout and exercise. NOPE! By movement, I don’t mean forcing yourself to do a workout, or a run if that’s not your thing. If you don’t like to do something, it should certainly not be invited into your self care regimen.

Think about what kind of movement feels good to you. Gets you excited. Remember when you were a kid how much fun it was to just go outside and play? Dig deep to identify something that sparks that kind of energy. I’ve started rollerblading and it absolutely brings out that “kid” in me. It’s playful, not work.

I can assure you, when you start moving, you will simply feel better! You will decrease stress and anxiety, increase circulation and good energy, sleep better, and overall be healthier. That’s the by-product of joyful movement!

To that end, you might want to incorporate music into movement. Music exerts a powerful influence on us – it can regulate emotions, lower anxieties, boost your mood, even increase memory and learning. So put on some music that makes you get up and dance, or stretch, or DRUM, and just MOVE!

In short, let’s take this on together this month. Let’s make a pact to take time to stop, get connected – to yourself and others – and to move! We can take this in baby steps. Try adding one new thing to your day. Post it in the DROM Facebook group page to share with the community! Let’s lift each other up! Give each other ideas! Share our experiences!

My hope for you is that you can focus on taking care of you for at least part of each day. Maybe even make some lifestyle changes that benefit YOU. That are gifts to YOU.

Because you know what? YOU are worth it. Now…Who’s with me?